Author Guidelines

Potential authors of Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks are highly encourage to go through this author guidelines and the publication ethics before proceeding with their submission.

General Requirements and Points to Note

  1. Any manuscript submitted to Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks should not have been published elsewhere, or sent to other journals, or be under another publisher’s consideration until there is notification from Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks.
  2. All authors are required to sign the Agreement of Licence Transfer once they submit their manuscript to Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks. By signing the agreement, the copyright is attributed to this journal to protect the intellectual material for the authors. The authors are allowed to share, copy, and redistribute the material in any medium, and in any circumstances to adapt with an appropriate credit to the work. Sharing through repository or personal blog or media is allowed as it can increase the impact of the article.
  3. All the business of this journal is conducted through the websites and the editorial team will only communicate to the corresponding author, considered as the representative of the authors of the sumbitted work.
  4. All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks will be reviewed anonymously by peer-reviewers who have an expertise on the issue or perspective of the manuscript.
  5. Plagiarism issue may arise when the author, after using another person’s work, claims to be the source of the material. However, similarities might happen due to inappropriate citation or in case where the paraphrase was not well stated. To avoid any plagiarism issues, we suggest to authors to screen their papers using plagiarism screening tools such as Turnitin or Grammarly Premium. Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks will not proceed with the submission subject to this issue and will return it to be fixed and resubmitted. Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks might also reject it without further consideration if it notices that it was done intentionally (see Plagiarism Policy for further information).


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

  1. Articles in Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks are published in English (British English and American English) consistently throughout the text. Please, be sure to write clearly and use correct punctuation. We recommend that non-native speakers have their manuscripts proofread.
  2. The length of an article should be 5,000-6,000 words including references. It should be sent in editable version as a Microsoft Word (.Doc or .Docx) or Rich Text Format (.Rtf) and use a standard typography (TNR, 1.15 spacing, 12 pt. or use the template). Organize titles and subtitles using a clear hierarchy.
  3. There are no strict formatting requirements but all manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to convey your manuscript, for example Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Theory, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, Artwork and Tables with Captions. Authors are allowed to use the name theory for sub-theories, as well as methods, results, and discussions. 
  4. Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2) 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to 'the text'. Any subsection may be given a brief heading.
  5. Acknowledgements: If author has any acknowledgements, please mention here. Type in brief and clear statement. Grant and contributions may acknowledge
  6. Funding: If any, role in the study design; data collection, analysis, and interpretation; report writing; and decision to submit the article for publication. If funding for the research has not been provided, please include the following sentence: This research received no specific funding from public, commercial, or not-for-profit funding agencies.
  7. References: citation within the text uses a bodynote, minimum number of references is 15 (references published last 10 years, 90% from textbooks/e-books and article journals, 10% from the secondary data), use reference management software (Mendeley, Zotero, and Endnote) with APA Styles (Sixth Edition).


Guidelines to Online Submission

  1. Register as an author at and fill the form as accurately as possible.
  2. Log into your account and start a new submission. Follow the instructions correctly.
  3. The submission must include 1) editable manuscript file (.doc; .docx; .rtf); 2) Statement of Originality Form; 3) Copyright Transfer Agreement.
  4. The Statement of Originality and Copyright Transfer Agreement should be uploaded as supplementary files.
  5. Submit the work and observe to be sure it is done.
  6. Having trouble with the submission process? You can download the submission manuals here.


Guidelines to Responding Reviewer Feedback

  1. Reviewers would send feedback to the author(s), and once it is received, it is expected that authors would respond to the feedback at the specified due date.
  2. The responses given by the author(s) should be made using the Ms. Word track changes feature.
  3. Author(s) should note that they would receive two feedbacks from different reviewers. Therefore, the author(s) should try to copy each of the comments and suggestions into one document. Afterward, the author(s) could respond by proposing arguments, revising statements, and answering questions.
  4. After the response to the feedback from the reviewer, the author(s) could send their response to the editorial team through Open Journal System (OJS) Journal of Paradiplomacy and City Networks or emailing to